
2.2lb ( 1000grams ) Quick Bayt Fly destruction granules Bayer

$154,90 $144,90





Quick Byte 2.2lb ( 1000grams ) Fly destruction granules


The volume of the prepared slurry (250 grams per 2 litres) is designed to treat up to 900-1100 ft2 (100 m2) of area.systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action to kill insects


Quick Byat Fly Exterminator


Preparation form: granules containing 10.31% imidaclopride, muscalur (Z) – knitwear; bitrex.


Manufacturer: “Bayer”.


Efficiency: “Quick-Byat Spray” – highly effective systemic contact-intestinal insecticide against a wide range of insect pests.


Purpose: Disinsection of livestock and farm buildings. Control of two-winged insects, including: flies (Musca domestica, Fania canicularis, Calliphora spp., Lucilia spp., Drosophilla spp.), cockroaches, fleas and other insects that are resistant to organophosphorus, pyrethroids and urea.


How to use the product “Quick-Byat Spray”
The insecticide Quick Byat Spray is used in the form of an aqueous suspension by spraying (spraying) or applying smears to the surface of cardboard strips or polyethylene tapes.


Preparation of the working solution (suspension) by spraying with a sprayer.


To prepare the spray slurry, dissolve the granules at the rate of 250 grams per 2 litres of room temperature water, stirring thoroughly for 5 minutes.


The volume of the prepared slurry (250 grams per 2 litres) is designed to treat up to 900-1100 ft2 (100 m2) of area.


Before treatment, the area to be treated with insecticide is determined in order to prepare the optimum amount of the working slurry.
Disinsection of the working slurry is carried out by selective spraying of at least 30% of the surfaces of walls, floor and ceiling.


. Spray surfaces in places with the highest concentration of insects (warm solar walls, window frames, window sills, doors, supports, fence parts, pipes, lamps lamps lamps and other surfaces).


In order to prevent animals from coming into contact with insecticide, the walls in pig farms are treated at a height of more than 1.5 meters, on cattle farms – at a height of more than 2 meters from the floor.


Surfaces are sprayed with a working suspension using equipment that provides the formation of hydro-aerosols (manual, backpack sprays).


In places inaccessible for treatment and where the application of insecticide is not desirable, spread or hang cardboard strips or polyethylene tapes, pre-treated with the suspension of the preparation.


Preparation of the working suspension during brush application.
For the preparation of a working suspension for application to the strips, dissolve 250 grams of granules of insecticide “Quick-Byte Spray” in 200 ml of water at room temperature and thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous suspension. The preparation is applied to strips and tapes with paint brushes.


During the disinfection of animals (poultry) is removed from the premises, the remnants of food and water are removed, eggs are collected in poultry houses, covered with polyethylene film milking equipment.


Animals can be brought into the premises after complete drying of treated surfaces and after ventilation for 30-40 minutes.
It is allowed to carry out local disinfection of some areas of the surfaces of the premises in the presence of intense ventilation and absence of people and animals (birds) near the objects of treatment.


The prepared working suspension should be used within one working day.


If the treatment process has been stopped for more than 30 minutes, the suspension should be stirred again.


Do not treat the insecticide slurry in feeders, drinkers and surfaces that may come into contact with feed and animals. The insecticide slurry must not be applied to dirty, strongly porous and freshly whitened surfaces.


Mechanism of action of the bait
A fly on the surface after treatment with the drug
After treatment, flies are flown to the treated surfaces.


Signs of flies being poisoned with Quie Bat Spray
Signs of insect poisoning appear 5 minutes after contact with the drug.


Death of a fly after contact with the bait Quick Byat Spray
Soon there will be a mass death of flies.



Personnel who work with the product must adhere to the basic rules of hygiene and safety adopted when working with veterinary medicines.
During the preparation and application of the working suspension it is necessary to use respiratory, skin and mucous membranes of the eyes (robe, cap, rubber mittens, rubber shoes, airtight protective glasses, respirators).
Minors (under 18 years of age), pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons for whom medical contraindications have been established during a medical examination are not permitted to work with the drug (preparation of a working suspension, disinfestation of the premises’ surfaces).
It is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke during treatment.
After the end of the disinfection it is necessary to rinse the face and hands with soap and water, and rinse the mouth with water.
If the insecticide gets on the skin – it must be removed with a cotton swab and thoroughly rinse the area with water and soap.
In case of contact with eyes, mucous membranes – immediately rinse with plenty of water. See a doctor if you are indisposed.
In case of signs of irritation of the respiratory system should stop working with the product, the victim immediately take out into fresh air or another room, take off your work clothes. Mouth and nasopharynx rinse with water, give a warm drink (tea, milk) and see a doctor.
If the insecticide gets into the stomach, the victim should drink a few glasses of water and take 10-20 tablets of activated carbon and see a doctor.


Storage. Storage period: Storage: 3 years.

Store in the manufacturer’s package. In a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, separate from food, beverages, medicines, animal feed. In a place out of reach of children. After preparation of the working solution, the shelf life is 12 hours.