
2,2lb ( 1000 grams Piperazine citrate 45% ) dogs, cats, cattle, pigs, horses, rabbits, poultry antihelminth neoascalidosis, toxocarose, parascalidosis, ascarosis, gangulleteracidosis

$94,90 $87,90




Powder is finely crystalline white.




1 gram of the product contains

the active ingredient:

Piperazine citrate – 450 mg.




Pharmacological properties:

Piperazine citrate is the salt of piperazine, which has a destructive effect on larval and adult helminth forms. Low toxicity to animals and poultry allows feeding the preparation to a group of animals with feed for deworming.

The preparation is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It is isolated from the body mainly with urine for 24 hours.





Oral with water for helminthic diseases:

Cattle, calves: Neoascaridosis – 0.7 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) body weight (single);

Horses: parascariasis, oxyurosis – 0.7 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) of body weight (once);

Camels: Neoascariasis – 0.7 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) of body weight (once);

Dogs, cats and fur animals: toxocarose, toxascariasis, ankylostomosis, untsinariasis – 0.2 grams / 2.2lb (1 kg) of body weight (once);

Rabbits: passalurosis – 0.1-0.2 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) of body weight (twice at 24-hour intervals after an 18-24-hour hungry diet);

Pigs: Ascarosis, esophagogastomosis – 0.2 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) of body weight (twice at 24 hour intervals during morning feeding);

Chickens, ducks, geese: ascaridiosis, gangulleteracidosis, amidostomosis, tetramerosis – 0.2 grams / 2.2lb (1kg) of body weight (twice at 24 hour intervals).

Contraindications: asthma, gangulleteracidosis, amidostomosis, tetramerosis – 0.2 grams / 2,2lb (1kg) of body weight (twice at 24 hour intervals):

Do not use animals with hypersensitivity to piperazine, liver diseases, renal failure.

Cautions: Do not use animals with hypersensitivity to piperazine, liver diseases, kidney failure:

The slaughter of animals for meat and the use of eggs is allowed after 4 days, and the use of milk for human nutrition – 24 hours after the last use of the drug.




Dry, dark, inaccessible for children at temperatures between 50-77F (10 ° C to 25 ° C).

Shelf life – 3 years from the date of manufacture.



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