
100ml ( trivalent iron dextran complex ) for animals cattle, pigs, sheep at Iron deficiency anemia, analog COSMOFER® , PHOSEX® , DIAFER® , MONOFER®

$39,90 $34,90





The solution is sterile red-brown.




1 ml of the preparation contains

the active ingredient:

trivalent iron dextran complex – 100 mg.


Pharmacological properties:

The complex combination of iron hydroxide and low-molecular weight dextrin replenishes iron deficiency, stimulates the hematopoietic system, increases hemoglobin levels, increases the number of erythrocytes and improves the safety of young farm animals.




Prevention and treatment of sows, piglets, calves, lambs, mink in iron-deficiency anemia.




Ferolife is injected deep intramuscularly into the hip or neck area. Before administering the drug bottle is heated to a temperature of 96-100F (36-38 ° C).

Doses for preventive purposes:

Pigs of 3-4-day age – 1.5-2 ml once;

The calves are 5-6 days old – 8-10 ml once;

Lambs of 3-5-day age – 2-3 ml once;

Minks – 0.3-0.5 ml once;

Sows – 10 ml once in 3-4 weeks before farrowing.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is administered 2 times with an interval of 7 days in the same doses.




Possible allergic manifestations. There may be slight swelling at the point of administration, which disappears after a few days.




Dry dark place at a temperature of 40-77F (5 ° C to 25 ° C). Do not allow freezing.

Shelf life – 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Shelf life (after the first opening of the bottle) – 24 hours.